Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Feeling Blue? Here’s How Dressing Up Can Boost Your Mood

Luxe and Soul
4 min readSep 29, 2020


Picture this: You’re wearing your favorite comfy hoodie while drinking a warm chocolate cuppa or you’re flaunting that little black dress that hugs you in the right places during a date night. Ah, there’s this unexplainable euphoria in wearing the right clothes. On top of being a necessity, dressing up is a harmless aesthetic release and a mood-booster for most.

But with the current challenges the world is facing today comes the crashing waves of emotions that we are collectively going through. Like the universe, our range of emotions is overwhelmingly enormous. And there are low, black hole periods that not even your usual Venti caramel macchiato fix or chocolate ice cream scoop can ease.

During this time of confinement, working on minimal changes to your daily routine, like on as simple as choosing what clothes to wear, can help keep your happy cells from flat-lining. Here’s how your outfit of the day can change your perspective.

Photo by Flaunter on Unsplash

Align Your Clothes to Your Inner Spirit

A style is a form of self-expression that connects to your inner being. What you wear affects how others might perceive you. But more importantly, it also influences what you feel about yourself. When you are feeling lost in your purpose, realign your thoughts toward your becoming. Then, let that portrayal of your future best-self manifest in your style.

For instance, putting on your favorite leather pants instead of your usual jammies may spark a feeling of quirky rebellion when you need a little push out of your mundane routine. In the same way, wearing spiritually-inspired clothing that speaks your purpose can be a good reminder or motivation for you to pursue your goal and spread good vibes.

Ask your inner self: “What do I want to feel?” Then go grab your “GRL PWR” tee or your fashion piece that will set your high vibe!

Know Your Purpose

Another interesting point about clothes is they may have a positive influence on your cognitive process.

A study on Enclothed Cognition presents the possibility that how a person thinks or function may be influenced by what he wears or the symbolic meaning those hold.

Say, you want to remain focused and motivated while hustling on your home. While it’s tempting to work in your fresh pair of pajamas all day, doing so might make you feel too comfortable and compromise productivity. Switching to a comfy, semi-formal clothes can make you feel more resolved and in doing your tasks as the outfit stimulates power and authority. In the same sense, working out with your gym clothes may help you exercise better than wearing your favorite oversize tee and box short does.

It’s basically wearing your confidence literally — and we’re here for it!

clothes on a rack
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Pick the Right Colors or Prints

Colors and patterns can play a role in your mood. Like how the Chakra colors radiate certain vibration, colors, in general are associated with certain energy and emotion. For instance, red — or the root chakra color — radiates bold energy and symbolizes survival. Wear this color if you want to radiate confidence and power.

Meanwhile, yellow is a cheerful reminder of some fun and a little bit of sun! It gives off a high-energy aura that can instantly put you in good spirits. If you are feeling down, slipping in your mustard floral sundress or pastel yellow racerback tee might help cheer you up.

Think of bright tints and bold patterns as an easy mood-booster cheat sheet. Play with colors and prints that reflect what you want to feel and don’t be afraid to mix and match!

Picking your clothes may sound as trivial as it seems. But embodying the right piece of fabric that allows you to be comfortable in your skin, confident in your stride, and speaks for your inner purpose can put you in good spirits and influence others to feel the same.

After all, we attract the energy we give.



Luxe and Soul

Luxe and Soul’s mission is to share empowering messages with our luxury spiritual inspired clothing to uplift your world and leave it better than we found it.